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Level-up and lead the way

Expand your leadership skillset through world-class speakers, Legacy Club partners, and experienced members.

Testimonial Giver Portrait

‘’Legacy Club has given me access to a large community of genuine and authentic business owners and leaders who have a wealth of knowledge and shared passion for personal development and success.’’

renee rogers - ceo, ono

"This amazing club, led by Chris Caffrey, has already overcome many of the obstacles that it's members are facing as they scale and grow their own incredible businesses. As a collective, Legacy Club members are stronger together, providing support, solutions and most of all fun!"

Sophie Chaney
General Manager

"Legacy Club has given me access to a large community of genuine and authentic business owners and leaders who have a wealth of knowledge and shared passion for personal development and success" The venues I have access to via Legacy Club give us the ability to entertain and work in some of the best locations throughout London, UK and Internationally."

Scott Stephens

"Joining Legacy Club was one of the best decisions we made as a business. Being surrounded by a supportive and engaged group of business owners that understand your journey, is priceless"

Craig Copeland